Real exam- Class 11

What a wonderful journey we have from childhood till class 10th. It’s like bachpan ki baatein when we come in class 11.I remember my 11th grade , i was like a sweet little animal is left in the jungle to compete and win. One of the toughest dicision is either to choose mathematics,biology,arts,commerce. You see there are 3 categories of students,first one – studious- they have super clarity in there life about future so they opt science(in general-purpose),second one- friend oriented-chal bhai dono arts lelete h maza aaega saath mein naeyya paar hogi ya doobegi(let’s take arts bro,we will either fail together or pass together),third is family oriented-chal beta tu na commerce/science lele,dekh Sharma ji ke bete ne bhi li thi aur aaj kitna accha kama rha h. I was of third kind, family was like Ur brother also took mathematics and biology so u should also go for it as he will be there to guide. So, first stage of my clarity attained and I jumped in what we students call maut ka kya with Mathematics and biology. Arts and commerce people have a respect and potty for student like us ki teri zindagi to ab gyi,bs theta sochega,anatomy ki sapne aaenge. Then starts the session,it’s like a unaimed shots,teacher is shooting and like a directionless bullet it is hitting me but not in my brain,I am like what is happening where am I. As I was good in maths so it was a easy affair but biology ohh my god everytime I m in that class I can feel what 1 hour means. Any how I manage to cope up with the bio monster whole year,but aahaaa it’s the final exam time……

Now comes the study o phobia,how to study,what all to read,i will pass or not so many questions. Everyone have phobia of one or the other thing and trust me it’s good to have one. But never let ur phobia overpower u bcz at the end of the day it’s u who is bravest of all. We r human the incredible creature of God,we can achieve whatever we want , it’s all about our will power and our priorities,if I would hv got terrified at that time then I would hv never scored 80 in bio,i was phobic but at the same time I knew I hv to deal with it either happily or sadly.

So, set priorities in life and be clear about pros and cons and stay positive everytime.